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In order to grow your business, there are a few things you need to know. I’m not talking about all the business “things”…I’m talking about mindset. Find out from Christine Jerry some of the best invaluable business growth mindset tips you can start using today.

Hey, y’all! Have you taken a little time to check out our new Makers Mean Business (MMB) Podcast? If not, now is the perfect time to give it a listen because every single episode gives invaluable tips from real-life makers about how to grow a successful business.

Makers Mean Business Podcast Episode 013 - Learn the Key Tips for Business Growth

Today, we have Episode 13: Interview with Christine Jerry!

Our previous episode was all about scaling your business with assistants. This is something that every single business owner needs to do at some point in order to grow their business. You just can’t do it all yourself, y’all! If you haven’t listened yet, check it out now.

Also, make sure to check out these episodes:

MMB Episode 13: Key Tips for Business Growth

After our last episode, I was thinking about tips that we could give you on how to grow your business. Then I realized, why not bring in Christine Jerry to talk with us?

Christine is an expert on business growth, and we are actually clients of hers! So, we know that she knows what she’s talking about.

Let’s dive in for her helpful tips!

Focus On One Area

As a small business owner, it’s easy to get very overwhelmed by everything there is to learn to grow your business and run a successful business.

Don’t worry about learning everything at once. Instead, focus on one thing at a time. Then, once you get that under your belt, move on to learning about something else.

Listen to the podcast to find out how growing a business is like learning to juggle and how to build the all-important foundation of a successful business.

Business Failures

Christine gives examples of failures that she’s had in her business. Y’all, every business is going to have failures, but it’s how you handle those failures and learn from them that makes the difference between a successful business and a failed business.

Listen to how Christine takes her everyday business failures and makes them functional so that she “falls forward” and can move on to continue growing her business.

Keep Learning

Christine also shares some of the best advice she ever got and how she was able to apply it to her business growth. Parker makes a connection between this piece of advice and networking for even greater business success.

It’s so good and not at all what you probably think that tip was!

Family and Friends

This is one topic we really strive for! Christine talks about how family and friends can impact your business and what you need to do to make that impact a positive one for business growth.

In addition, Parker talks about how being an online business person vs a brick and mortar business can help with that impact too – listen here.

Saying No

Y’all, Christine covers a huge issue that makers and business owners who work from home run into. Listen to how saying no became necessary for her and how it helped her with her business growth and productivity.

Stay True To Yourself

Learn how not staying true to yourself can be detrimental to your business and what authenticity brings to any small business.

Believe it or not, these are just the highlights of this episode! There are so many gems in this one that you won’t want to miss it. To catch all the tips that Christine shares, be sure to listen to MMB Podcast Ep 13.

Business Growth Tips Final Thoughts

Weren’t these tips amazing? My favorite part about them is that they’re so simple but also so powerful that you can start using them today.

Check out today’s episode and be sure to listen to the very end. Then, catch any other episodes you may have missed because they just keep getting better and better.

What’s one thing you are going to do for your business growth today?

As a fun side note, Christine helped us as we wrote our Comprehensive SEO Handbook. And, if you want to check out more about Christine and the amazing things she has coming your way in the near future, you can find her at Virtual Collab Hub.

Makers Mean Business Podcast Episode 13 - Business Growth Interview with Christine Jerry, The Virtual Collab

If you are interested in working with us and learning even more about how to create, run and  grow a successful business, check out our coaching options at Damon’s Business coaching.

How Can You Listen to and Subscribe to the Makers Mean Business Podcast?

Makers Mean Business podcast is available on these platforms:

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform and catch new episodes every Monday and Thursday!

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