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Are you in the business of making wreaths and want to maximize your profits? Making multiples of your wreath designs is the perfect way to fill up shop shelves quicker, and also you some precious time. Whether it’s a traditional holly design or something totally unique, creating duplicates can help ensure that your shop never runs out of product.

Save yourself time, excess wreath supplies in your inventory, and give your shop a few signature designs.

Hey, y’all! Do you have a plan of action for when someone happens to see one of your wreath design ideas and wants one for themselves? I don’t know about you, but when I create a new wreath design, I always try to make duplicates. This way, I have the wreaths ready to sell when someone wants to order a replica. 

Now, I had to learn this the hard way when I realized that I was losing time (and business) when I was making them each individually as the orders came in.

When we are creating an inventory, time management is key to making all of this work. 

I don’t know about you, but I really don’t have extra hours in my day to create a completely unique wreath every time a customer orders one. I needed to find ways to be efficient with my time, especially while I’m building up a stockpile of wreaths.

collage of simple wreaths to make for you shop

How Can I Make a Wreath Design in Multiples?

The easiest way to do that is to create multiples of the same wreath design, in an assembly line of sorts. It took me a while to put this together but here is how I set up my wreath shop to fill multiple orders of the same wreath design and boosted my mass production efforts.

1. Prep All the Supplies You’ll Need in Project Boxes

Staying organized is crucial for success when creating multiples of the same wreath design.

Craft organization is simply creating ‘homes’ for all your tools and supplies in a way that makes sense to you and allows you to easily find and grab whatever you need when you need it.

Keep in mind: ‘A Home For Everything, and Everything In Its Home’. This will come in handy with today’s tips.

When creating multiples of the same design, I highly recommend designating project boxes for each of the following items that you’ll need over and over as you create duplicates of your wreath design


When using multiple types or colors of greenery in your wreath making, I suggest separating them so you can just reach into your project box and grab what you want without needing to fumble through piles of greenery until you find just the style that you need.


Most of my wreath designs have at least 2 different types of ribbon weaved into the pattern. If you also use multiple types or colors of ribbon, it’s essential that you stay organized so you can find just what you need when you need it without wasting time searching. 

I recommend pulling out the ribbons that you will be using for your project and putting ONLY those particular ribbons into your project box while you work on this project.


Have them nearby so you can use them when you need them. If you will be using different sizes, organize them by size so that you are able to quickly and easily grab what you need as you need it.


Are you using one sign for your design? Multiple signs? Make sure they are already made and stored in your production boxes (more on this in just a second). If you are using multiple signs, separate the designs so they are quick and easy to pull out as necessary.

Wreath bases

If you’re making multiple wreaths, you will also need multiple wreath frames. Know where they are and have them ready to go once you start creating.

Any Other Supplies

Think glue, mesh, tools, etc. I try to have everything organized or laid out within easy reach so that I can grab it quickly when the time comes.

2. Batch Production Steps

In case you aren’t familiar with the term ‘batch production’, it simply means to create multiples of the same thing before moving on to something else. Batch production is a big time-saver; here’s how it will help you when making duplicates.

Pre-make bows

If you didn’t know, bows tend to take some time to make. If you have to repeatedly stop your wreath production in order to make a new bow, then creating multiples of a wreath design will take that much longer. 

Instead, be efficient by making all the bows you will need ahead of time. That way, when your design is ready to add the bow, you simply need to go to your production box to get it.

Add attachments as if you were in a production line

This idea is similar to the idea of creating all your bows at one time. It’s much more methodical (and therefore, faster) to do the same step on each of your wreaths before moving on to the next step. 

For example, it’s much faster to add all your ribbon to each wreath before you start adding any greenery to any of the wreaths. Once all your ribbon is done, then you can add the next step onto each wreath, followed by the step after that.

Keep them simple

The more complicated a design, the more time it will take to create multiple wreaths in that pattern.

Instead, keep any wreath designs you choose to duplicate on the more simple end of the spectrum so that they are faster the create – helping you to create your inventory faster.

List Them As Your Lower-Priced Variations 

Since you are creating your wreaths in a mass-production setting and saving time, you don’t need to charge as much for each of these wreaths as you would a complete new wreath design.

Another reason to charge less for these wreaths is that they are a more simple design and use fewer supplies. Charging less for the more basic design allows your customers to see the different levels of work between the basic and more complex versions.

blue sunflower wreath hanging on a white door

Best Wreath Design Tutorials for Multiples

A Final Note

One thing that has truly helped me create multiple wreaths at a time was making sure to have a large workspace. This allowed me to not only make multiple wreath designs but also have a place to store them until they were sold to a potential buyer! 

If you can have, say 5 wreaths of the same design in production at the same time, then you’ll want to do the same step on each wreath (as if you are working on a production line) before moving on to the next step. 

So, there you have it. These are all of my secrets when it comes to creating multiple wreaths of the same design. And, now it’s your turn!

Tell us in the comments below: Do you have any other tips for creating wreaths in multiples to help save time?

If you need any help with centerpiece-making, bow-making, wreath-making, or crafting in general, be sure to check out more of our tutorials on How to Make Wreaths.

We would love to see your beautiful wreaths! Please share with us over at the How To Make Wreaths Facebook Group.

Finally, if you’re interested in more info on learning how to make wreaths, where to buy supplies, and being in a community of like-minded crafters, check out our Creative Coaching Subscription Group.

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